Automation of the Accounts Payable Process with AI
<p>Professional article</p>
<h1>Automation of the Accounts Payable Process with AI</h1>
Automation of the Accounts Payable Process with AI
<p><span class="no-break"><span class="lead-text">Arcplace AG has been helping Swiss companies to automate their accounts payable processes with the Basware platform since 2007. The partnership with Basware enables organizations to automate manual, time-consuming tasks associated with accounts payable invoices to a large extent. The new AI-based SmartPDF and SmartCoding Premium functions from Basware significantly optimize automation in the accounts payable process.</span></span></p>
Automation of the Accounts Payable Process with AI
Automation of the Accounts Payable Process with AI rechte Spalte
<p>The combination of Basware's innovative AI technologies and Arcplace's expertise creates a modern and efficient accounts payable process for Swiss companies. With the new SmartPDF and SmartCoding Premium services, the process is optimized even further so that companies can not only benefit from cost savings and efficiency gains, but also strengthen their competitiveness in the digital age.</p>
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The Next Step in Automation
<h3>The Next Step in Automation</h3>
<p>With SmartPDF, invoices in PDF format are automatically converted into structured data thanks to AI so that they can be seamlessly integrated into the invoice processing procedure. SmartCoding Premium goes one step further and offers intelligent suggestions for account assignment and allocation based on historical data and predefined rules.</p>
<h3>Advantages of AI in Invoice Processing</h3>
<p>The implementation of AI-supported functions brings several decisive advantages that lead to a significant increase in efficiency:</p>
<ol> <li><span class="MaaxBold">Reduction of manual tasks:</span><br /> by automating invoice data extraction with SmartPDF, recurring manual tasks are significantly reduced. Employees can concentrate on more value-adding activities instead of dealing with data input.<br /> </li> <li><span class="MaaxBold">Improved accuracy and reduced error rate:</span><br /> AI algorithms can extract invoice data with high precision and minimize errors that could occur with manual input. This not only reduces the risk of errors, but also the need for time-consuming corrections.<br /> </li> <li><span class="MaaxBold">Acceleration of the entire process:</span><br /> SmartCoding Premium enables faster processing thanks to intelligent account assignment suggestions. The AI continuously learns from existing data and thus optimizes the proposals, which leads to a reduction in processing time and therefore faster processing of invoices.<br /> </li> <li><span class="MaaxBold">Cost savings and ROI:</span><br /> The efficiency gains achieved through further automation lead to cost savings throughout the entire accounts payable process. The return on investment (ROI) is increased as throughput times are shortened, and resources are better utilized.</li> </ol>
<h3>Your Swiss Partner for Basware Implementations</h3>
<p>Arcplace has been a leading provider of digital archiving and document workflow solutions in Switzerland for over 17 years. Thanks to its long-standing partnership with Basware, Arcplace is able to provide Swiss companies with the latest technologies in the field of accounts payable processing on an ongoing basis. Arcplace has extensive experience in the implementation of customized invoice processing solutions that are optimally tailored to the specific requirements of the Swiss market.</p>
Haupttitel: Automation of the Accounts Payable Process with AI
Lead: Automation of the Accounts Payable Process with AI
Abschnitt: Automation of the Accounts Payable Process with AI
Automation of the Accounts Payable Process with AI
The combination of Basware's innovative AI technologies and Arcplace's expertise creates a modern and efficient accounts payable process for Swiss companies.
<p>Case Study</p>
<h1>Ernst Sutter AG automates its invoice processing</h1>
Bild Ernst Sutter AG
Box Lead
<p><span class="no-break"><span class="lead-text">To reduce the processing times for vendor invoices, relieve employees, management and accounting from paper-based processing, enable more cost transparency - these were the goals of the thirdlargest Swiss meat processor Ernst Sutter. Thanks to an integrated solution from Arcplace for the efficient electronic processing and legally compliant archiving of supplier invoices, which works hand in hand with the ERP system of Ernst Sutter AG, these goals were achieved in only four months.</span></span></p>
The third-largest meat processing company in Switzerland
<p>Ernst Sutter AG is a leading Swiss company in the area of meat processing and meat production. Fresh meat and meat products are produced at five production sites and delivered to two specialist butchers, as well as the retail and wholesale trade throughout Switzerland via two regional delivery platforms. Various meat specialities are also exported to the EU and Asia. The company employs around 1,000 staff and generated sales of CHF 546 million in 2016. Ernst Sutter AG, which is now part of the Fenaco Group, launched the first meat quality and sustainability label in 1989 with ‘Agri Natura’.</p>
Digitally entering and processing vendor invoices
<h3>Digitally entering and processing vendor invoices</h3>
<p>In order to tackle these problems, Ernst Sutter AG opted for an integrated solution from Arcplace, which enables the efficient electronic processing and legally compliant archiving of supplier invoices, fully integrated into the existing SAP ERP system. This is based on the software TCG DocProStar for scanning the paper and email invoices and on Basware Alusta (P2P) for implementing the digital invoice workflow. In the first step, the invoices are scanned using DocProStar and then transferred to Basware Alusta together with the extracted and validated data for the largely automated electronic account assignment, verification and approval processes.</p>
<p>Invoices with an order reference are compared with the corresponding order system and, if the defined criteria are met, are automatically assigned and transferred to the financial accounting system for payment. Invoices that do not have any reference to the order system run through an electronic verification and approval process according to the double verification principle. The items to be approved are automatically recorded and sent to the responsible persons by email. The invoices conveniently approved by mouse click are then transferred automatically to the financial accounting system. Finally, the scanned invoice, including the account history, account assignment and header data, is stored in the windream archive system in a legally compliant manner.</p>
At a Glance
<h3>At a Glance</h3>
<ul> <li>Automatic end-to-end solution for electronic processing and legally compliant archiving of paper and email vendor invoices</li> <li>Significantly greater process efficiency and far shorter throughput times</li> <li>Improved allocation of costs and avoidance of input and filing errors or document losses</li> <li>Increased cost transparency and improved document control</li> <li>Increased cost awareness among employees through improved visibility of invoices</li> <li>Reduced load on Accounting</li> <li>Seamless integration into existing ERP and vendor systems Software used</li> <li>TCG DocProStar (Scanning, data extraction and validation)</li> <li>Basware Alusta (P2P) (Electronic account assignment, verification and approval processes)</li> <li>windream Archive (legally compliant electronic archiving)</li> </ul>
Assignment, verification and signing off of 35,000 paper invoices per year
<h3>Assignment, verification and signing off of 35,000 paper invoices per year</h3>
<p>Ernst Sutter AG receives around 35,000 supplier invoices each year. A distinction is made between invoices that have a direct reference, a so-called order reference, to the ERP system - for example for goods orders - and those without such a reference at the time of ordering, such as invoices for building maintenance, transports or office materials. In the past, incoming invoices without an ERP reference were opened at the seven locations, sent to those responsible for the cost centre for account assignment and then to the supervisor to be signed off. Once approved, invoices were forwarded to the accounting department for payment. In the case of goods invoices with a reference to the ERP system, the incoming goods were first entered in the system. The invoices were then forwarded to the accounts payable department, where they were compared with the incoming goods and, if they tallied, were released for payment. Invoices therefore took up to 14 days to process and especially the superiors complained about the mass of red tape. It was also difficult to track individual invoices within the company.</p>
<h3>"50 % of our supplier invoices are now processed within two days. In the past this could take anything up to two weeks."</h3>
<p><span class="bildcaption">Michael Strübi, Head of Controlling and Member of Executive Management, Ernst Sutter AG</span></p>
The results
<p>Michael Strübi, Head of Controlling and Member of Executive Management at Ernst Sutter, is very satisfied. “50 percent of our vendor invoices are now processed within two days. In the past this could take anything up to two weeks.” The project manager lists other important improvements: “We are now able to allocate costs more precisely and benefit from greater cost transparency. I have also observed an increase in cost awareness because all invoices end up with the responsible parties who have to approve them. The largely automated processes and legally compliant digital archiving enable us to avoid incorrect filing and document losses.”</p>
<p>The project manager highlights the high acceptance of the system among employees and especially the management. “Supervisors used to spend hours checking paper invoices and looking for invoice information. Today, they receive one email per day, in which all open items are clearly listed and can be verified and approved with just a few mouse clicks.” The project was implemented by Arcplace’s specialists in just four months without interfering with ongoing accounting operations and works so well that it is to be implemented in other companies of the Fenaco Group in the coming months.</p>
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<h3>We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you want to know more about Invoice Automation? Please contact us.</p>
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Haupttitel Case Study EN
Abschnitt: Initial Situation
Abschnitt: Solution
Abschnitt: Results
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Ernst Sutter AG automates its invoice processing
To reduce the processing times for vendor invoices, relieve employees, management and accounting
from paper-based processing, enable more cost transparency - these were the goals…
<p>Case Study</p>
<h1>Rhaetian Railway picks up steam with Arcplace</h1>
Box Lead
<p><span class="no-break"><span class="lead-text">The largest alpine railway in Switzerland, the Rhaetian Railway, relies on an innovative solution from Arcplace to introduce electronic invoice processing. Through a fully automated accounts payable process, paper and PDF invoices are efficiently captured, validated, approved, forwarded for payment and finally archived in a legally compliant manner.</span></span></p>
Case Study as PDF
<h3>Case Study as PDF</h3>
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Leerschlag EN
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<h3>We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you want to know more about Invoice Automation? Please contact us.</p>
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Initial Situation
<h3>Initial Situation</h3>
<p>The Rhaetian Railway processes around 35,000 vendor invoices per year. They were processed manually and mostly on paper until now. The invoices were scanned for pre-processing and then forwarded to the relevant department in paper form. The documents were then assigned to accounts, signed and sent back to the accounts payable department, where they were scanned a second time and transferred to the accounting system to be booked and paid. There was no process transparency and a lot of resources were tied up, resulting in high costs.</p>
Header Bild
<ul> <li><span class="MaaxBold">Short throughput times</span></li> <li><span class="MaaxBold">Optimized use of resources</span></li> <li><span class="MaaxBold">More process transparency</span></li> </ul>
<p>The solution implemented by Arcplace, which is entirely integrated in Rhaetian Railway’s system landscape, enables highly efficient, automated invoice processing for both paper and PDF invoices. The implementation of Basware’s leading technology enables the entire workflow from the capture of vendor invoices, validation and approval, through to payment and transfer to the archive. In future, a process that is uniform company-wide for order, vendor and expense invoice processing (Purchase-to-Pay) can also be implemented without a problem.</p>
<h3>"The collaboration with Arcplace was professional, fair and open. We worked as equals during the entire project."</h3>
<p><span class="bildcaption">Jörg Steiner, IT Project Manager, Rhaetian Railway</span></p>
<ul> <li>Significantly higher process efficiency and shorter throughput times</li> <li>Adherence to authorization rules is ensured through the electronic approval of vendor invoices</li> <li>Modular solution to introduce a process that is uniform company-wide for order, vendor and expense invoice processing</li> <li>Process transparency and professionalization is ensured</li> </ul>
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Haupttitel Case Study EN
Abschnitt Lead
Abschnitt: Initial Situation, Solution, Results
Rhaetian Railway picks up steam with Arcplace
The largest alpine railway in Switzerland, the Rhaetian Railway, relies on an innovative solution from
Arcplace to introduce electronic invoice processing.
Text About Arcplace
<h3>Arcplace AG</h3>
<p>Swiss company <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> AG is a specialized IT service provider that supports organizations in the digitization and automation of document related processes as well as in electronic archiving.</p>
<p>Since its founding in 2006, <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> has implemented solutions for more than 900 customers across a wide range of sectors. <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> is a privately owned and independent company with a professional team of over 100 employees.</p>
<p><span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> offers its services via datacenters located in <span class="no-break">Switzerland</span> and is certified to the ISO 27001 standard for information security.</p>
<p>Arcplace AG<br /> Mühlebachstrasse 54<br /> CH-8008 Zürich<br /> <a href="tel:+41445012200" target="_self" title="click to call">+41 44 501 22 00</a><br /> <a href="" title="Opens window for sending email"></a></p>
Box Text Arcplace digitizes invoice reception at Winterthur Cantonal Hospital
<p><br /> As a centre hospital, the KSW provides comprehensive basic medical care for a quarter of a million inhabitants in the greater <span class="no-break">Winterthur</span> area with almost 4,000 employees and 500 beds. In addition, it provides highly specialized medical services for about half a million people.</p>
<p>The central invoice receipt of the cantonal hospital comprises around 60,000 invoices per year. With the introduction of a Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) platform for automated invoice processing, KSW has decided to have all incoming invoices digitized.</p>
<h3>Increased cost efficiency thanks to <span class="no-break">Input Management</span> solution</h3>
<p>To ensure timely processing of incoming supplier invoices, the processing is optimized. Paper invoices are scanned. Together with the imported PDF invoices, the process and accounting-relevant data are extracted per invoice and refined into verified invoice information in the automatic comparison with master data of the ERP system. In addition to paper and PDF invoices, <span class="no-break">e-invoices</span> are also received and the relevant invoice information is determined from them. After the subsequent validation of all invoices, the files are transmitted via SFTP server to an existing system of the cantonal hospital, where the invoices are further processed by means of a verification and approval workflow. Via the <span class="no-break">myArcplace</span> customer portal, KSW has the possibility to retrieve the most important processing parameters per input channel and processing day at any time. Real-time information shows the processing figures and the current degree of fulfilment of the service levels.</p>
<p>The automated process leads to faster and more cost-effective invoice processing. At the same time, the completeness as well as the required quality of the invoice information – also regarding legal requirements – is guaranteed.</p>
<h3>Legally compliant archiving in the Cloud DMS/Archive</h3>
<p>Once the invoices have been checked and approved for payment by the ERP, the invoice image, invoice attachments and the <span class="no-break">circulation</span> log as well as the associated meta information are stored in Arcplace's Cloud DMS/Archive for archiving. In the future, the user-friendly and flexible archiving solution will offer the KSW the possibility to manage other document types or even electronic dossiers and to archive them in a legally compliant manner. The Cloud DMS/Archive service can also be expanded and used as a Digital Mailroom. Both the Cloud DMS/Archive service and the data centers are certified according to the ISO/IEC 27001 standard for information security.</p>
Bild Kantonsspital Winterthur EN
[Translate to english:] 31. März 2016
<h2>Pfister möbelt die Rechnungsverarbeitung auf</h2>
Die Möbel Pfister AG, Marktführerin im Schweizer Einrichtungsfachhandel, hat die Verarbeitung der Kreditorenrechnungen unternehmensweit digitalisiert und automatisiert. Mit der Lösung von Arcplace können die bis zu 30’000 jährlich eingehenden Papier- und E-Rechnungen schnell und zuverlässig zentral erfasst, überprüft und über vordefinierte Workflows zur Genehmigung und Bezahlung weitergeleitet werden. Durch die effizienteren Prozesse profitiert Pfister von besseren Lieferantenkonditionen, mehr Transparenz und tieferen Kosten.
Box Lead Arcplace digitizes invoice reception for Winterthur Cantonal Hospital
<p>March 30<sup>th</sup>, 2023</p>
<h1><span class="no-break">Arcplace digitizes invoice reception for Winterthur Cantonal Hospital</span></h1>
<p><span class="lead-text"><span class="no-break"><span class="MaaxItalic">As part of the digitization of invoice processing, the Winterthur Cantonal Hospital (KSW) has opted for Arcplace's scanning services and Cloud DMS/Archive solution. In addition to digitizing all paper invoices, the necessary invoice information from PDF and e-invoices is captured, validated, and transferred to an existing system for further processing at the KSW. Finally, the Cloud DMS/Archive ensures the legally compliant archiving of the digital documents.</span></span></span></p>
Bildlegende EN
<p><span class="bildcaption"><span class="bildcaption no-break">View of the new hospital wing of Winterthur Cantonal Hospital (Image source: KSW)</span></span></p>
Abschnitte Lead: Arcplace digitizes invoice reception for Winterthur Cantonal Hospital
Abschnitt: Bild EN
Abschnitt: Text Arcplace digitizes invoice reception at Winterthur Cantonal Hospital
Abschnitt: About Arcplace
Winterthur Cantonal Hospital digitizes invoice reception
As part of the digitization of invoice processing, the KSW has opted for Arcplace's scanning services and Cloud DMS/Archive solution.
Guide Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
<h3>Automating your Accounts Payable Processes</h3>
<p>This practical guide gives you tips for kickstarting your project</p>
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Box Guide Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
<p><span class="lead-text">This practical guide offers support and decision-making tools for companies in the preliminary phases of an accounts payable automation project. This guide sheds light on current market trends, identifies key solution features for digitizing supplier invoices, offers tips for preparing requests for proposals (RFPs), selecting a solution, establishing a project framework and managing change, both in-house and with suppliers.</span></p>
Guide: Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
We will be happy to advise you personally
<h3>We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you want to know more about Invoice Automation?<br /> Please contact us.</p>
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Haupttitel: Guide – Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
Abschnitt: Guide Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
Abschnitt: Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
This guide offers support and decision-making tools for companies in the preliminary phases of an accounts payable automation project. Download now.
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Arcplace Intro Text EN
<h3>You need Automated Invoice Processing if ...</h3>
<p><span class="no-break">... your company receives at least 1,500 paper and PDF invoices per month,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... these invoices are processed manually, which is costly,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... processing is slow and a cash discount does not offer any benefits,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... you do not always know exactly where an invoice is currently located in the company,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... invoices are left unpaid due to absences,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... a lot of space is needed to archive paper invoices, </span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... from an accounting perspective, the processing is insufficiently transparent.</span></p>
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<h3>We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you have any questions about AP Automation?<br /> Please contact us.</p>
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Bild EN
Download the whole dossier now
<h3>Download the whole Dossier now</h3>
<ul> <li>You need automated invoice processing if ...</li> <li>The benefits</li> <li>Staggering costs due to manual processes</li> <li>Processing paper and PDF invoices automatically</li> <li>Efficient processing within workflows</li> <li>Legally compliant archiving</li> <li>Further automation and e-invoicing</li> <li>The future: end-to-end purchase-to-pay processes</li> <li>Use of leading technologies</li> </ul>
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Box Dossier Rechnungverarbeitung EN Lead
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">Invoice processing solutions enable companies to process incoming paper and PDF invoices largely automatically - and thus quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively. The technologically leading solutions from Arcplace cover all process steps from invoice receipt to legally compliant archiving. They are available either as an on-premise solution or as a service.</span></p>
Automated Invoice Processing and Legally Compliant Archiving
Haupttitel: Automated invoice processing and legally compliant archiving
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Abschnitt: Dossier Rechnungverarbeitung EN Lead
Abschnitt: Intro EN
Automated Invoice Processing
Process invoices automatically and archive them in compliance with the law. Download the dossier "Invoice Processing / P2P" from Arcplace now for free.
Implementing an AP Automation Solution
<h3>Implementing an AP Automation Solution</h3>
<p>The most important tips for a successful implementation of your project</p>
Guide: Implementing a new AP Automation Solution
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Guide Implementing a new AP Automation Solution
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Box Guide: Implementing Purchase-to-Pay
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">Have you decided upon a solution and suitable partner for making invoice processing at your company more efficient? Congratulations! Now it’s time to actually implement it. What needs to be considered in the early stages of the project to ensure it’s a success right from the start? What needs to be defined? And what are the typical stumbling blocks?</span></p>
Haupttitel: Guide Implementing AP Automation
Abschnitt: Guide Implementing Purchase-to-Pay
Abschnitt: Guide Implementing Purchase-to-Pay
Abschnitt: Füller EN
Implementing a new AP Automation Solution
The Arcplace experts give you some valuable tips for implementing a new AP Automation Solution. Download this guide now.
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Evaluation of AP Automation Solutions
<h3>Evaluation of AP Automation Solutions</h3>
<p>To the right solution with the tips of our AP Automation experts</p>
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Box Guide Evaluation AP Automation
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">This guide will help you when you want to implement automatic invoice processing in your company, or to remove or replace an existing solution. With the tips from Arcplace’s AP Automation experts, you can find out which issues and questions are key, so that you can find the right solution for your requirements.</span></p>
Guide: Optimizing your AP Automation Processes
Optimizing your AP Automation processes EN
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<p>Simply fill in this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.</p>
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Haupttitel: Guide Evaluation AP Automation
Abschnitt: Guide Evaluation AP Automation
Abschnitt: Guide Evaluation P2P
Abschnitt: Füller EN
Evaluation of an AP Automation Solution
This guide will help you when you want to implement automatic invoice processing in your company, or to remove or replace an existing solution.
Box Rhaetian Railway sets the points with a P2P solution from Arcplace
<p><br /> The RhB is a highly competitive company in leisure, commuter and freight transport segments. With its unique mountain routes, the <span class="no-break">UNESCO</span> World Heritage Site, the <span class="no-break">Glacier Express</span> and <span class="no-break">Bernina Express</span>, it has been guaranteeing fascinating rail experiences right across Graubünden since 1889. The company was looking for a professional solutions partner to digitize its invoice processing with <span class="no-break">Basware</span> software, and <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> was chosen.</p>
<h3>End-to-end digital process with expansion potential</h3>
<p>RhB processes around 35,000 vendor invoices annually. The majority of processing steps were previously carried out manually, on paper. The introduction of automated invoice processing for paper and PDF invoices completely replaces the manual process. Using <span class="no-break">Basware's</span> leading technology facilitates the entire workflow from the entry of vendor invoices, validation and approval through to payment and archiving. "We now have a better overview of the invoices. We always know where the documents are because they no longer have to be physically passed from one person to another. Electronic approval also ensures consistent compliance with authorisation rules," explains <span class="no-break">Jörg Steiner</span>, IT project manager at the <span class="no-break">Rhaetian Railway</span>.<br /> <br /> The solution implemented by Arcplace was fully integrated into the RhB's complex system landscape consisting of two ERP systems. Nothing stands in the way of a future introduction of a company-wide uniform process for order, vendor and receipt processing (Purchase-to-Pay - P2P).</p>
<h3>Electronic processing offers many advantages</h3>
<p>The electronic processing of accounts payable invoices enables Switzerland's largest Alpine railway to significantly increase process efficiency, shorten throughput times and, at the same time, optimize the use of resources. The electronic approval of invoices ensures compliance with authorization regulations and increases process transparency.</p>
<h3>Arcplace AG</h3>
<p>Swiss company <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> AG is a specialized IT service provider in the information management and archiving industry. <span class="no-break">Arcplace's</span> portfolio includes solutions for the scanning, management and archiving of documents as well as the archiving of data. By combining the latest technologies with innovative service models like Managed Services, Cloud Services or Business Process Outsourcing, <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> can provide optimal solutions for companies of any size.</p>
<p>Since its founding in 2006, <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> has implemented solutions for more than 900 customers across a wide range of sectors. <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> offers its services via data centers located in Switzerland.</p>
<p>Arcplace AG<br /> Mühlebachstrasse 54<br /> CH-8008 Zürich<br /> <a href="tel:+41445012200" target="_self" title="click to call">+41 44 501 22 00</a><br /> <a href="" title="Opens window for sending email"></a></p>
Box Lead Rhaetian Railway sets the points with a P2P solution from Arcplace
<p>October 24<sup>th</sup>, 2019</p>
<h1>Rhaetian Railway sets the points with a P2P solution from <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span></h1>
<p><span class="lead-text"><span class="MaaxItalic no-break">The <span class="no-break">Rhaetian Railway</span> (<span class="no-break">Rhätische Bahn</span> RhB) has automated the processing of its vendor invoices with the support of <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>. Paper and PDF invoices are now efficiently captured, validated, released, forwarded for payment and finally archived in a legally compliant manner.</span></span></p>
Bild RhB EN
[Translate to english:] 31. März 2016
<h2>Pfister möbelt die Rechnungsverarbeitung auf</h2>
Die Möbel Pfister AG, Marktführerin im Schweizer Einrichtungsfachhandel, hat die Verarbeitung der Kreditorenrechnungen unternehmensweit digitalisiert und automatisiert. Mit der Lösung von Arcplace können die bis zu 30’000 jährlich eingehenden Papier- und E-Rechnungen schnell und zuverlässig zentral erfasst, überprüft und über vordefinierte Workflows zur Genehmigung und Bezahlung weitergeleitet werden. Durch die effizienteren Prozesse profitiert Pfister von besseren Lieferantenkonditionen, mehr Transparenz und tieferen Kosten.
Bildlegende EN
<p><span class="bildcaption no-break">Rhaetian Railway - Train on the Landwasser Viaduct, near Filisur (Image source: RhB)</span></p>
Abschnitt: Lead Rhaetian Railway sets the points with a P2P solution from Arcplace
Abschnitt: Bild RhB EN
Abschnitt: Text Rhaetian Railway sets the points with a P2P solution from Arcplace
Rhaetian Railway with P2P solution
The Rhaetian Railway (RhB) has automated the processing of its vendor invoices with the support of Arcplace.
Box Lead Arcplace wins order from Robert Aebi AG
<p>May 15<sup>th</sup>, 2018</p>
<h1>Arcplace wins order from Robert Aebi AG</h1>
<p><span class="lead-text"><span class="MaaxItalic no-break">Arcplace will be supporting Robert Aebi AG in introducing electronic invoice processing as well as the legally compliant archiving of supplier and customer invoices.</span></span></p>
Bild Robert Aebi AG EN
[Translate to english:] 31. März 2016
<h2>Pfister möbelt die Rechnungsverarbeitung auf</h2>
Die Möbel Pfister AG, Marktführerin im Schweizer Einrichtungsfachhandel, hat die Verarbeitung der Kreditorenrechnungen unternehmensweit digitalisiert und automatisiert. Mit der Lösung von Arcplace können die bis zu 30’000 jährlich eingehenden Papier- und E-Rechnungen schnell und zuverlässig zentral erfasst, überprüft und über vordefinierte Workflows zur Genehmigung und Bezahlung weitergeleitet werden. Durch die effizienteren Prozesse profitiert Pfister von besseren Lieferantenkonditionen, mehr Transparenz und tieferen Kosten.
Bildlegende EN
<p><span class="bildcaption">Headquarters of Robert Aebi AG in Regensdorf (Image source: Robert Aebi AG)</span></p>
Box Arcplace wins order from Robert Aebi AG
<h3>70,000 supplier invoices per year</h3>
<p>Robert Aebi supplies Switzerland and southern <span class="no-break">Germany</span> with machinery, equipment and vehicles from prestigious brands in agricultural and construction engineering. As a general distributor of <span class="no-break">Volvo</span> construction equipment and <span class="no-break">John Deere</span> agricultural machinery, it is a leader in its industry. This market- and customer-oriented company was founded in 1881 and today employs around 700 people, receiving about 70,000 supplier invoices a year. At themoment, invoices are still being processed manually, which generates an enormous amount of work in the accounts payable department. For this reason, the company has opted for an integrated solution from Arcplace, which enables the efficient electronic processing and legally compliant archiving of supplier invoices (paper, PDF and e-invoices), fully integrated into the existing <span class="no-break">Microsoft</span> ERP system.</p>
<h3>Process costs cut by 80%</h3>
<p>Introducing the new <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> solution will make it possible to allocate, run account assignment on, verify, approve and post invoices, as well as to access the original invoices in electronic format, at any time, anywhere. The advantages here are that it simplifies invoice processing, reduces throughput times, eases the load on employees and cuts process costs by up to 80%. Not only that, but the automated processes and legally compliant digital archiving help to avoid incorrect filing and document losses.</p>
<h3>Archive for supplier and customer invoices</h3>
<p>A modern archiving system will also be installed for legally compliant archiving. Invoices that have been approved in the <span class="no-break">Basware</span> supplier workflow will be automatically stored in <span class="no-break">Kendox</span> along with supplementary documentation, such as account assignments, attachments, comments, workflow logs etc., as soon as the data has been transferred to the ERP and ordering system <span class="no-break">Microsoft Dynamics</span> AX 2009. At the same time, a so-called ongoing archiving of customer invoices from AX will be implemented.</p>
<h3>Arcplace AG</h3>
<p>Swiss company Arcplace AG is a specialized IT service provider in the information management and archiving industry. Arcplace's portfolio includes solutions for the scanning, management and archiving of documents as well as the protection and archiving of data. By combining the latest technologies with innovative service models like Managed Services, Cloud Services or Business Process Outsourcing, Arcplace can provide optimal solutions for companies of any size.<br /> <br /> Since its founding in 2006, Arcplace has implemented solutions for more than 900 customers across a wide range of sectors. Arcplace offers its services via data centers located in Switzerland.</p>
<p>Arcplace AG<br /> Mühlebachstrasse 54<br /> CH-8008 Zürich<br /> <a href="tel:+41445012200" target="_self" title="click to call">+41 44 501 22 00</a><br /> <a href="" title="Opens window for sending email"></a></p>
Abschnitt Lead: Arcplace wins order from Robert Aebi AG
Abschnitt: Bild EN
Abschnitt: Text Arcplace wins order from Robert Aebi AG
Spacer EN
Arcplace wins order from Robert Aebi AG
Arcplace will support Robert Aebi AG in introducing electronic invoice processing as well as the legally compliant archiving of supplier and customer invoices.
PDF Invoices by Email
<h3>PDF Invoices by Email</h3>
<p>PDF invoices sent by email are also legally compliant in Switzerland (German)</p>
Download PDF invoices by email
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WP PDF invoices
White Paper: PDF Invoices sent by Email are legally compliant
Box White Paper PDF invoices sent by email Lead
<span class="lead-text">With the abolition of the obligation for digital signatures, the easing of the right of proof in the new VAT legislation and the abolition of the ElDI-V on January 1, 2018, the legal basis for electronic invoicing with PDF invoices sent by email has now also been created in Switzerland.</span>
Haupttitel: White Paper – PDF invoices sent by email
Abschnitt: White Paper - PDF invoices sent by email
Abschnitt: Download PDF invoices sent by email
Spacer EN
PDF invoices by e-mail
PDF invoices sent by email are now also legally compliant in Switzerland. Download the White Paper (in German) for free.
Box Lead Ernst Sutter AG automates invoice processing with Arcplace
<p>December 12<sup>th</sup>, 2017</p>
<h1>Ernst Sutter AG automates invoice processing with Arcplace</h1>
<p><span class="no-break"><span class="lead-text"><span class="MaaxItalic no-break">With the help of Arcplace and in just four months, Ernst Sutter AG, Switzerland's third largest meat processer, has switched to a fully digital workflow for processing and archiving supplier invoices. The now largely automated invoice processing means that throughput times have been reduced, employees and the accounting department have been unburdened, and there have been significant improvements in terms of cost transparency.</span></span></span></p>
[Translate to english:] 31. März 2016
<h2>Pfister möbelt die Rechnungsverarbeitung auf</h2>
Die Möbel Pfister AG, Marktführerin im Schweizer Einrichtungsfachhandel, hat die Verarbeitung der Kreditorenrechnungen unternehmensweit digitalisiert und automatisiert. Mit der Lösung von Arcplace können die bis zu 30’000 jährlich eingehenden Papier- und E-Rechnungen schnell und zuverlässig zentral erfasst, überprüft und über vordefinierte Workflows zur Genehmigung und Bezahlung weitergeleitet werden. Durch die effizienteren Prozesse profitiert Pfister von besseren Lieferantenkonditionen, mehr Transparenz und tieferen Kosten.
Bildlegende EN
<p class="text-right"><span class="bildcaption no-break">(Image source: Ernst Sutter AG)</span></p>
Box Ernst Sutter AG automates invoice processing with Arcplace
<h3>35,000 supplier invoices per year</h3>
<p>Ernst Sutter AG, which is a member of the <span class="no-break">Fenaco</span> Group, receives around 35,000 supplier invoices each year. In the past, account allocation, verification and authorization activities for paper invoices took a great deal of time and generated substantial costs. For this reason, the company opted for an integrated solution from <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>, which enables the efficient electronic processing and legally compliant archiving of supplier invoices, fully integrated into the existing ERP system.</p>
<h3>Digital invoice workflow saves a great deal of time and money</h3>
<p>Invoices are scanned and subjected to electronic account allocation, verification and approval processes. Invoices that refer to an order in the ERP system are automatically cross-checked. In the event of correspondence, they are allocated to an account and transferred to the financial accounting system for payment. The remaining invoices go through an electronic examination and approval process based on the double-checking principle. The items to be approved are automatically recorded and sent to the responsible people by email for approval. To finish, all invoices are stored in a digital and legally compliant manner.</p>
<h3>50% of supplier invoices processed within two days</h3>
<p>Michael Strübi, Head of Controlling and a member of Executive Management at <span class="no-break">Ernst Sutter AG</span>, confirms the striking improvements: "50 percent of our vendor invoices are now processed within two days." <span class="no-break">Ernst Sutter AG</span> can now allocate costs more precisely and benefits from greater transparency. The automated processes and legally compliant archiving help to avoid incorrect filing and document losses. The solution was implemented in just four months without interfering with ongoing accounting operations and is to be implemented in other companies of the <span class="no-break">Fenaco</span> Group in the coming months.</p>
<h3>Arcplace AG</h3>
<p>Swiss company <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> AG is a specialized IT service provider in the information management and archiving industry.<span class="no-break"> Arcplace's</span> portfolio includes solutions for the scanning, management and archiving of documents as well as the protection and archiving of data. By combining the latest technologies with innovative service models like Managed Services, Cloud Services or Business Process Outsourcing, <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> can provide optimal solutions for companies of any size.</p>
<p>Since its founding in 2006, <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> has implemented solutions for more than 900 customers across a wide range of sectors. <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> offers its services via data centers located in Switzerland.</p>
<p>Arcplace AG<br /> Mühlebachstrasse 54<br /> CH-8008 Zürich<br /> <a href="tel:+41445012200" target="_self" title="click to call">+41 44 501 22 00</a><br /> <a href="" title="Opens window for sending email"></a></p>
Abschnitt: Lead Ernst Sutter AG automates invoice processing with Arcplace
Abschnitt: Bild Ernst Sutter AG EN
Abschnitt: Text Ernst Sutter AG automates invoice processing with Arcplace
Ernst Sutter AG automates invoice processing
With the help of Arcplace, Ernst Sutter AG has switched to a fully digital workflow for processing and archiving supplier invoices.
<p>September 4th, 2014</p>
<h1>Allianz Suisse automates its invoice processing</h1>
<p><span class="lead-text"><span class="MaaxItalic no-break">Allianz Suisse Immobilien AG has opted for the electronic invoice processing solution from the information management specialist <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>. The new solution runs seamlessly with REM, the industry-leading software for real estate management.</span></span></p>
[Translate to english:] 31. März 2016
<h2>Pfister möbelt die Rechnungsverarbeitung auf</h2>
Die Möbel Pfister AG, Marktführerin im Schweizer Einrichtungsfachhandel, hat die Verarbeitung der Kreditorenrechnungen unternehmensweit digitalisiert und automatisiert. Mit der Lösung von Arcplace können die bis zu 30’000 jährlich eingehenden Papier- und E-Rechnungen schnell und zuverlässig zentral erfasst, überprüft und über vordefinierte Workflows zur Genehmigung und Bezahlung weitergeleitet werden. Durch die effizienteren Prozesse profitiert Pfister von besseren Lieferantenkonditionen, mehr Transparenz und tieferen Kosten.
<h3><strong>More efficient processes and cost reduction thanks to electronic invoice processing</strong></h3>
<p>According to Hansruedi Kälin, Head of Accounting at <span class="no-break">Allianz Suisse Immobilien </span>AG, electronic invoice processing leads to markedly faster processes and lower costs. Automation eliminates time-consuming, repetitive routine tasks and reduces the number of accounting errors. The digital availability of invoice data facilitates the checking of documents and makes finding information faster. Within the scope of the electronic workflow, proxies can be defined so that any invoices not processed on time are automatically forwarded – thus consigning reminders and administrative input due to missed payment deadlines to the past. What is more, legally compliant archiving is ensured.</p>
<h3><strong>Successful integration into real estate industry solution</strong></h3>
<p>Allianz Suisse Immobilien AG now forwards paper invoices directly to the scan center at <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>, where the invoice data is extracted using the very latest imaging and character recognition (OCR) technology. The information is validated against the master data, digitally signed and processed by <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>so that it can be imported with the Basware software for invoice processing. <span class="no-break">Basware</span> is the world’s leading provider in the field of invoice automation. An automated workflow with email reminders based on REM roles ensures that the digitized invoices reach the relevant offices promptly for review and approval. Audited, approved and assigned invoices can subsequently be transferred by <span class="no-break">Allianz Suisse</span> directly into the <a href="" target="_blank">real estate management software REM</a>. At the end of this process, <span class="no-break">Allianz Suisse</span> is left with an automated audit-proof archive of the invoices and their processing history.</p>
<h3><strong>Digitization simplifies invoice processing and archiving</strong></h3>
<p>Every year, <span class="no-break">Allianz Suisse Immobilien</span> AG receives around <span class="no-break">36,000</span> invoices, most of which are in paper form. In the past, the manual opening, checking, assigning, posting and archiving of paper invoices required considerable effort. In addition, old invoice documents were only available in the paper archive. The solution was implemented in close cooperation between <span class="no-break">Allianz Suisse, GARAIO </span>AG (developer and sales partner of the real estate industry solution REM) and <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>.</p>
<h3><strong>About <span class="no-break">Allianz Suisse Immobilien AG</span></strong></h3>
<p>Allianz Suisse Immobilien AG is a subsidiary of the <span class="no-break">Allianz Suisse</span> insurance company as well as the investment and asset manager for the <span class="no-break">Allianz Group</span> in <span class="no-break">Switzerland </span>with offices in Wallisellen, Bern, Geneva and Lausanne. <span class="no-break">Allianz Suisse Immobilien</span> AG manages a portfolio of approximately 3.7 billion CHF. </p>
<h3>Arcplace AG</h3>
<p>Swiss company <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>AG is a specialized IT service provider in the information management and archiving industry. <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>’s portfolio includes solutions for the scanning, management and archiving of documents as well as the protection and archiving of data. By combining the latest technologies with innovative service models like Managed Services, Cloud Services or Business Process Outsourcing, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>can provide optimal solutions for companies of any size.</p>
<p>Since its founding in 2006, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>has implemented solutions for more than 800 customers across a wide range of sectors. <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>offers its services via data centers located in Switzerland and is certified to the ISO 27001 standard for information security.</p>
<p>Arcplace AG<br /> Mühlebachstrasse 54<br /> CH-8008 Zürich<br /> <a href="tel:+41445012200" target="_self" title="click to call">+41 44 501 22 00</a><br /> <a href="" title="Opens window for sending email"></a></p>
Abschnitt: Lead EN
Abschnitt: Bild
Abschnitt: Text EN
Allianz Suisse automates its invoice processing
Allianz Suisse Immobilien AG has opted for the electronic invoice processing solution from Arcplace.
<p>May 20<sup>th</sup>, 2015</p>
<h1>Bilfinger Real Estate automates invoice processing</h1>
<p><span class="lead-text"><span class="MaaxItalic no-break"><span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>AG, a specialist IT service provider in the fields of document and data management, has implemented an efficient solution for real estate service provider <span class="no-break">Bilfinger Real Estate</span> AG for the automated electronic processing of vendor invoices. Thanks to automation, <span class="no-break">Bilfinger Real Estate</span> saves time and money when processing invoices, while at the same time eliminating sources of errors.</span></span></p>
[Translate to english:] 31. März 2016
<h2>Pfister möbelt die Rechnungsverarbeitung auf</h2>
Die Möbel Pfister AG, Marktführerin im Schweizer Einrichtungsfachhandel, hat die Verarbeitung der Kreditorenrechnungen unternehmensweit digitalisiert und automatisiert. Mit der Lösung von Arcplace können die bis zu 30’000 jährlich eingehenden Papier- und E-Rechnungen schnell und zuverlässig zentral erfasst, überprüft und über vordefinierte Workflows zur Genehmigung und Bezahlung weitergeleitet werden. Durch die effizienteren Prozesse profitiert Pfister von besseren Lieferantenkonditionen, mehr Transparenz und tieferen Kosten.
<h3>Solution implemented in only four months</h3>
<p>The solution implemented in only four months covers the entire workflow for the approximately 120,000 vendor invoices per year. This includes the capturing of the invoice information, their validation and approval, through to payment and audit-proof digital archiving. The implemented solution is based on the technologies AnyDoc (scanning and OCR), Basware (workflows) and Windream (archive). The solution acquires data such as suppliers' addresses, accounts codes and cost centres via an interface directly from the existing REM real estate software. This means that as they are scanned using two scanning stations installed on site, new invoices can immediately be validated and automatically supplemented with additional information.</p>
<h3>Flexibly definable workflows</h3>
<p>On the basis of predefined workflow rules, the scanned invoices are sent electronically to one or more recipients. The rules also resolve conflict situations. For example, if certain individuals are absent, this is recognized and their deputies are automatically included in the workflow. It is also easily possible to set up checks with regard to payment deadlines, accounting periods, compliance with the four eyes principle or invoice amounts. The employees use a clearly designed web application for checking, approving and assigning the invoices to the correct account. The processed invoices are then transferred to REM, where they are booked, paid and then filed, together with the invoice audit trail and any attachments, ready for audit in the Windream archive system.</p>
<h3>Cost and time savings</h3>
<p>The new solution enables <span class="no-break">Bilfinger Real Estate</span> AG to save time and costs in the vendor invoice process. Direct comparison with the master data of the existing REM real estate software and precisely defined workflows enable faster, more efficient and more secure processes. Thanks to electronic archiving, all the invoice documents are quickly available and have no longer to be searched for in folders. Errors in the assignment of costs and in archiving are reliably prevented by the new AIP solution ("Automated Invoice Processing").</p>
<h3>Arcplace AG</h3>
<p>Swiss company <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>AG is a specialized IT service provider in the information management and archiving industry. <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>'s portfolio includes solutions for the scanning, management and archiving of documents as well as the protection and archiving of data. By combining the latest technologies with innovative service models like Managed Services, Cloud Services or Business Process Outsourcing, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>can provide optimal solutions for companies of any size.</p>
<p>Since its founding in 2006, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>has implemented solutions for more than 800 customers across a wide range of sectors. <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>offers its services via datacenters located in Switzerland.</p>
<p>Arcplace AG<br /> Mühlebachstrasse 54<br /> CH-8008 Zürich<br /> <a href="tel:+41445012200" target="_self" title="click to call">+41 44 501 22 00</a><br /> <a href="" title="Opens window for sending email"></a></p>
Abschnitt: Lead EN
Abschnitt: Bild
Abschnitt: Text
Bilfinger Real Estate automates invoice processing
Arcplace has implemented an efficient solution for Bilfinger Real Estate AG for the automated electronic processing of vendor invoices.
<p>January 13<sup>th</sup>, 2016</p>
<h1>Automated invoice processing at Baumann Koelliker</h1>
<p><span class="lead-text"><span class="MaaxItalic no-break">Leading Swiss electrical installations group Baumann Koelliker has automated its accounts payable (AP) process with <span class="no-break"><span class="no-break"><span class="no-break">Arcplace</span></span></span>. The fully digitalized process allows both paper and electronic invoices to be efficiently captured, reviewed, approved and forwarded for payment and archived ready for audit. <span class="no-break"><span class="no-break"><span class="no-break">Arcplace </span></span></span>has also implemented an archiving solution with the aim of limiting the growth in the quantity of email data.</span></span></p>
[Translate to english:] 31. März 2016
<h2>Pfister möbelt die Rechnungsverarbeitung auf</h2>
Die Möbel Pfister AG, Marktführerin im Schweizer Einrichtungsfachhandel, hat die Verarbeitung der Kreditorenrechnungen unternehmensweit digitalisiert und automatisiert. Mit der Lösung von Arcplace können die bis zu 30’000 jährlich eingehenden Papier- und E-Rechnungen schnell und zuverlässig zentral erfasst, überprüft und über vordefinierte Workflows zur Genehmigung und Bezahlung weitergeleitet werden. Durch die effizienteren Prozesse profitiert Pfister von besseren Lieferantenkonditionen, mehr Transparenz und tieferen Kosten.
<h3>Integrated digital process – also for paper invoices</h3>
<p>Baumann Koelliker processes around 100,000 supplier invoices every year. Thanks to a solution from <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>, based on the applications AnyDoc (scanning and text recognition), Basware (workflow) and Kendox (archiving), these invoices can now be processed entirely digitally and archived electronically at the end of the process, in accordance with audit requirements. After the invoices have been scanned and the invoice information has been extracted, the digitized invoices are circulated via predefined workflows for reviewing and approval. Approved invoices can be transferred directly into the ERP system and, following payment, filed ready for audit in the digital archive.</p>
<h3>Saving 5,000 working hours per year</h3>
<p>According to Peter Jenzer, Head of Financial Accounting at Baumann Koelliker Group, the company will save around 5,000 working hours a year with the new solution. With automated invoice processing, costs can be more precisely assigned to individual projects. Cost transparency is also improved, as the invoices can be viewed by the project managers at any time. The Baumann Koelliker Group has already switched to electronic invoicing with its biggest primary suppliers, with the result that around 60% of all vendor invoices can now be processed completely paper-free.</p>
<h3>Email Archiving</h3>
<p>At the same time as the introduction of automated accounts payable processing, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>also implemented an email archiving solution, based on Veritas Enterprise Vault, with which the accumulation of emails can be controlled; the emails can then be transferred automatically, including attachments, from the Exchange mailboxes into long-term archive storage.</p>
<h3>Arcplace AG</h3>
<p>Swiss company <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>AG is a specialized IT service provider in the information management and archiving industry. <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>'s portfolio includes solutions for the scanning, management and archiving of documents as well as the protection and archiving of data. By combining the latest technologies with innovative service models like Managed Services, Cloud Services or Business Process Outsourcing, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>can provide optimal solutions for companies of any size.</p>
<p>Since its founding in 2006, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>has implemented solutions for more than 800 customers across a wide range of sectors. <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>offers its services via data centers located in Switzerland.</p>
<p>Arcplace AG<br /> Mühlebachstrasse 54<br /> CH-8008 Zürich<br /> <a href="tel:+41445012200" target="_self" title="click to call">+41 44 501 22 00</a><br /> <a href="" title="Opens window for sending email"></a></p>
Abschnitt: Lead EN
Abschnitt: Bild
Abschnitt: Text
Automated invoice processing at Baumann Koelliker
Leading Swiss electrical installations group Baumann Koelliker has automated its accounts payable (AP) process with Arcplace.
<p>March 31<sup>st</sup>, 2016</p>
<h1>Pfister revamps invoice processing</h1>
<p><span class="lead-text"><span class="MaaxItalic no-break">Möbel Pfister AG, a market leader in the Swiss furnishings trade, has digitized and automated the processing of supplier invoices throughout the company. Using the solution from <span class="no-break"><span class="no-break">Arcplace</span></span>, the 30,000 paper and electronic invoices received each year can be centrally captured quickly and reliably, reviewed and forwarded via predefined workflows for approval and payment. As a result of the more efficient processes, Pfister benefits from better supplier conditions, greater transparency and lower costs.</span></span></p>
[Translate to english:] 31. März 2016
<h2>Pfister möbelt die Rechnungsverarbeitung auf</h2>
Die Möbel Pfister AG, Marktführerin im Schweizer Einrichtungsfachhandel, hat die Verarbeitung der Kreditorenrechnungen unternehmensweit digitalisiert und automatisiert. Mit der Lösung von Arcplace können die bis zu 30’000 jährlich eingehenden Papier- und E-Rechnungen schnell und zuverlässig zentral erfasst, überprüft und über vordefinierte Workflows zur Genehmigung und Bezahlung weitergeleitet werden. Durch die effizienteren Prozesse profitiert Pfister von besseren Lieferantenkonditionen, mehr Transparenz und tieferen Kosten.
<h3>30,000 multi-page supplier invoices per year</h3>
<p>With 20 branches in all parts of the country, a large online shop and a logistics centre with five delivery points, Möbel Pfister AG is a market leader in the Swiss furnishings trade. Using a solution developed and implemented by <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>, based on the applications AnyDoc (scanning, extraction of invoice information, validation) and Basware (workflow), the company can now process its 30,000 supplier invoices per year completely electronically and archive them ready for audit. With the new solution, suppliers' paper and electronic invoices can be captured centrally with a high level of automation at company HQ in Suhr, then forwarded electronically for reviewing and approval and finally released for payment. The new software components have been seamlessly integrated by <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>with the existing ERP and archive systems.</p>
<h3>Electronic processing delivers major efficiency gains</h3>
<p>The responsible project manager in Financial Accounting at Pfister sketches out the potential for improved efficiency offered by electronic invoice processing: "We process 30,000 vendor invoices every year, some of which are multi-page documents. Besides with the eight employees in the Financial Accounting, up to 250 people are also involved in the processes as auditors and approvers. With the new solution from <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>we can massively reduce throughput times, minimize error sources, make better use of supplier conditions and achieve greater transparency with regard to the receipt of invoices." The project manager also gives a thoroughly positive assessment of the cooperation with <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>: "The specialists from <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>understood our requirements perfectly and our work together was excellent in every phase of the project." Pfister proactively informed its suppliers about the changeover and encouraged them to issue electronic invoices only in future.</p>
<h3>Arcplace AG</h3>
<p>Swiss company <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>AG is a specialized IT service provider in the information management and archiving industry. <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>'s portfolio includes solutions for the scanning, management and archiving of documents as well as the protection and archiving of data. By combining the latest technologies with innovative service models like Managed Services, Cloud Services or Business Process Outsourcing, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>can provide optimal solutions for companies of any size</p>
<p>Since its founding in 2006, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>has implemented solutions for more than 800 customers across a wide range of sectors. <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>offers its services via data centers located in Switzerland.</p>
<p>Arcplace AG<br /> Mühlebachstrasse 54<br /> CH-8008 Zürich<br /> <a href="tel:+41445012200" target="_self" title="click to call">+41 44 501 22 00</a><br /> <a href="" title="Opens window for sending email"></a></p>
Abschnitt: Lead EN
Abschnitt: Bild
Abschnitt: Text
Pfister revamps invoice processing
Möbel Pfister AG, a market leader in the Swiss furnishings trade, has digitized and automated the processing of supplier invoices throughout the company.
Text EN
<p>May 10<sup>th</sup>, 2016</p>
<h1>swisspro automates invoice processing</h1>
<p><span class="lead-text"><span class="MaaxItalic no-break">swisspro, a leading Swiss group for electrical installations as well as voice and data communication services, has automated the processing of its nearly 60,000 annual vendor invoices. The solution from <span class="no-break"><span class="no-break">Arcplace</span></span>, which comprises an electronic invoice workflow and an audit-proof digital archiving solution, has delivered a significant efficiency increase. For the digitalization of the paper invoices, swisspro uses the services of the <span class="no-break"><span class="no-break">Arcplace</span></span> Scan Center.</span></span></p>
Spaltendesign EN
[Translate to english:] 31. März 2016
<h2>Pfister möbelt die Rechnungsverarbeitung auf</h2>
Die Möbel Pfister AG, Marktführerin im Schweizer Einrichtungsfachhandel, hat die Verarbeitung der Kreditorenrechnungen unternehmensweit digitalisiert und automatisiert. Mit der Lösung von Arcplace können die bis zu 30’000 jährlich eingehenden Papier- und E-Rechnungen schnell und zuverlässig zentral erfasst, überprüft und über vordefinierte Workflows zur Genehmigung und Bezahlung weitergeleitet werden. Durch die effizienteren Prozesse profitiert Pfister von besseren Lieferantenkonditionen, mehr Transparenz und tieferen Kosten.
<h3>Arcplace Scan Center digitizes paper invoices</h3>
<p>In order to speed up the invoice workflow and reduce costs, swisspro successfully introduced a complete solution for digitizing the previous paper-based processes together with <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>. Within the scope of this solution, swisspro also makes use of the <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>scanning services. The supplier invoices are digitized in the <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>Scan Center; the invoice information is then extracted and validated with the master data. The electronic invoices are then distributed automatically throughout the company for review and approval using the application Basware. Following approval and payment, they are archived digitally in an audit-proof manner. “Thanks to the use of the scan services, we no longer need to establish or maintain an expensive in-house scan infrastructure, which also means no employee resources are used up either. We send in our vendor invoices, and shortly after that we have perfectly prepared and validated electronic documents on our server”, explains David Hess, Head of Finance and Accounting at swisspro.</p>
<h3>Faster throughput times and lower costs</h3>
<p>Thanks to automatic invoice processing, the throughput time for each invoice was reduced significantly. The burden placed on employees in the accounting area was reduced drastically and the number of errors was also lowered, as costs can be assigned more precisely and manual input errors are pretty much a thing of the past. The current status of the vendor invoices can be retrieved daily via the workstations and, thanks to the faster invoice processing, swisspro benefits from better invoice conditions. Documents can be found simply and quickly at any time in the digital archive, and what’s more, valuable space at the headquarters in Zurich has been saved. Thanks to the <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>Scan Center, swisspro does not need an expensive and complex in-house scan infrastructure.</p>
<h3>Arcplace AG</h3>
<p>Swiss company <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span> AG is a specialized IT service provider in the information management and archiving industry. <span class="no-break">Arcplace</span>'s portfolio includes solutions for the scanning, management and archiving of documents as well as the protection and archiving of data. By combining the latest technologies with innovative service models like Managed Services, Cloud Services or Business Process Outsourcing, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>can provide optimal solutions for companies of any size.</p>
<p>Since its founding in 2006, <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>has implemented solutions for more than 800 customers across a wide range of sectors. <span class="no-break">Arcplace </span>offers its services via data centers located in Switzerland.</p>
<p>Arcplace AG<br /> Mühlebachstrasse 54<br /> CH-8008 Zürich<br /> <a href="tel:+41445012200" target="_self" title="click to call">+41 44 501 22 00</a><br /> <a href="" title="Opens window for sending email"></a></p>
Abschnitt: Lead EN
Abschnitt: Bild EN
Abschnitt: Text EN
swisspro automates invoice processing
swisspro has automated the processing of its nearly 60,000 annual vendor invoices with Arcplace.