Guide New Data Protection Legislation in Switzerland (copy 1)
<h3>New Data Protection Legislation in Switzerland</h3>
<p>The new legislation is similar to the EU GDPR in many respects – what you need to know</p>
Download Guide Neues Schweizer Datenschutzgesetz EN
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Guide New data protection legislation in Switzerland
Box Guide New data protection legislation in Switzerland – what you need to know
<p><span class="lead-text">The Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG), which is still in force, is currently being revised; the new legislation (nDSG) will replace the earlier legislation from 1992. The new legislation is similar to the EU GDPR in many respects and is thus compatible with it. Lic. jur. Doris des Arts, lawyer and head at THE-IT-LAWYERS, explains the main changes which the new legislation will bring.</span></p>
Guide: New Data Protection Legislation in Switzerland – what you need to know
Haupttitel: Guide – New data protection legislation in Switzerland
Abschnitt: Guide New data protection legislation in Switzerland – what you need to know
Abschnitt: Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
Abschnitt: Füller EN
New data protection legislation in Switzerland
New Data Protection Legislation in Switzerland: The new legislation is similar to the EU GDPR in many respects – what you need to know. Guide for free.
Guide Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
<h3>Automating your Accounts Payable Processes</h3>
<p>This practical guide gives you tips for kickstarting your project</p>
Download Guide Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
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Box Guide Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
<p><span class="lead-text">This practical guide offers support and decision-making tools for companies in the preliminary phases of an accounts payable automation project. This guide sheds light on current market trends, identifies key solution features for digitizing supplier invoices, offers tips for preparing requests for proposals (RFPs), selecting a solution, establishing a project framework and managing change, both in-house and with suppliers.</span></p>
Guide: Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
We will be happy to advise you personally
<h3>We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you want to know more about Invoice Automation?<br /> Please contact us.</p>
Kontaktformular AP Automation EN beige
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Haupttitel: Guide – Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
Abschnitt: Guide Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
Abschnitt: Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
Automating your Accounts Payable Processes
This guide offers support and decision-making tools for companies in the preliminary phases of an accounts payable automation project. Download now.
Leerschlag Yellow EN
<div class="row Box-AP-Yellow"> </div>
Arcplace Intro Text EN
<h3>You need a Digital Mailroom if ...</h3>
<p><span class="no-break">... process delays or interruptions are common in your organization due to documents not being forwarded or being forwarded too slowly,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... manually processing of incoming mail generates high costs,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... you must fulfil compliance requirements and track incoming information at all times,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... storing paper documents causes you space problems,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... you spend a lot of time manually searching for information.</span></p>
We will be happy to advise you personally
<h3><br /> We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you want to know more about the Digital Mailroom?<br /> Please contact us.</p>
Kontaktformular Digital Mailroom EN Green
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Bild EN
Download the whole Dossier now
<h3>Download the whole Dossier now</h3>
<ul> <li>You need a Digital Mailroom if ...</li> <li>The Benefits</li> <li>How it works in 6 steps</li> <li>Operating models: In-house or as a service</li> <li>Use of leading technologies</li> </ul>
Download Dossier Digital Mailroom EN
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Automatically capture, distribute and archive incoming Mail
Haupttitel: Automatically capture, distribute and archive incoming mail
Box Digital Mailroom Lead EN
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">A company receives information in many different forms – as paper-based letters, via forms on websites, as emails or as data entered by customers on various devices. A Digital Mailroom creates a central point of entry where all incoming paper-based and digital information is automatically captured to be distributed electronically throughout the company, traceably processed and finally archived in a legally compliant manner.</span></p>
Abschnitt: Digital Mailroom Lead
Abschnitt: Intro EN
Spacer EN
Digital Mailroom saves time and money
Automatically capture, distribute and archive incoming mail. Download the dossier "Digital Mailroom" from Arcplace now for free.
Leerschlag Purple EN
<div class="row Box-AP-Blue-Violet"> </div>
Arcplace Intro Text EN
<h3>You need Automated Invoice Processing if ...</h3>
<p><span class="no-break">... your company receives at least 1,500 paper and PDF invoices per month,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... these invoices are processed manually, which is costly,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... processing is slow and a cash discount does not offer any benefits,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... you do not always know exactly where an invoice is currently located in the company,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... invoices are left unpaid due to absences,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... a lot of space is needed to archive paper invoices, </span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... from an accounting perspective, the processing is insufficiently transparent.</span></p>
We will be happy to advise you personally
<h3>We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you have any questions about AP Automation?<br /> Please contact us.</p>
Kontaktformular AP Automation EN beige
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Bild EN
Download the whole dossier now
<h3>Download the whole Dossier now</h3>
<ul> <li>You need automated invoice processing if ...</li> <li>The benefits</li> <li>Staggering costs due to manual processes</li> <li>Processing paper and PDF invoices automatically</li> <li>Efficient processing within workflows</li> <li>Legally compliant archiving</li> <li>Further automation and e-invoicing</li> <li>The future: end-to-end purchase-to-pay processes</li> <li>Use of leading technologies</li> </ul>
Download Dossier Rechnungsverarbeitung EN
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Box Dossier Rechnungverarbeitung EN Lead
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">Invoice processing solutions enable companies to process incoming paper and PDF invoices largely automatically - and thus quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively. The technologically leading solutions from Arcplace cover all process steps from invoice receipt to legally compliant archiving. They are available either as an on-premise solution or as a service.</span></p>
Automated Invoice Processing and Legally Compliant Archiving
Haupttitel: Automated invoice processing and legally compliant archiving
Spacer EN
Abschnitt: Dossier Rechnungverarbeitung EN Lead
Abschnitt: Intro EN
Automated Invoice Processing
Process invoices automatically and archive them in compliance with the law. Download the dossier "Invoice Processing / P2P" from Arcplace now for free.
Leerschlag Turqois-D EN
<div class="row Box-AP-Turqois-D"> </div>
Arcplace Intro Text EN
<h3>Electronic Personnel Dossiers are needed when ...</h3>
<p><span class="no-break">... the HR processes in your company are paper- and cost-intensive,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... you spend a lot of time searching for personnel information,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... authorised persons should be able to access personnel dossiers at any time and from any location,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... HR processes are delayed by absent persons,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... there are numerous “shadow files” in the departments in addition to the central archive system,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... dossier accesses and processing steps are not fully documented,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... you want to achieve the best possible compliance with data protection,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... paper files take up valuable space in the office.</span><br /> </p>
We will be happy to advise you personally
<h3>We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you want to know more about Electronic Personnel Dossiers?<br /> Please contact us.</p>
Kontaktformular Elektronische Personaldossiers EN beige
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Bild EN
Download the whole dossier now
<h3>Download the whole Dossier now</h3>
<ul> <li>Electronic Personnel Dossiers are needed when ...</li> <li>The benefits</li> <li>Papier is expensive</li> <li>The solution: Electronic personnel Dossiers</li> <li>Automatic workflows relieve</li> <li>DMS/ECM system and initial scanning</li> <li>Several options for initial scanning</li> <li>Important: Precise analysis of the current situation</li> <li>Use of leading technologies</li> </ul>
Download HR Dossier EN
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Box Electronic Personnel Dossiers Lead
<h1>Find personnel Documents quickly, process them efficiently and archive them securely</h1>
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">Paper-based personnel dossiers delay HR processes and cause high costs. Electronic Personnel Dossiers are a modern alternative. They enable efficient, secure and legally compliant digital processing and archiving of personnel information.</span></p>
Abschnitt: Electronic Personnel Dossiers Lead
Abschnitt: Intro EN
Electronic Personnel Dossiers
You need e-personal dossiers if you want to find documents quickly, process them efficiently and archive them securely. Read more in the Arcplace dossier.
Leerschlag Blue-Grey-D EN
<div class="row Box-AP-Blue-Grey-D"> </div>
Box Dossier Capture Lead EN
<h1>Extract and automatically process Business Information</h1>
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">The amount of information that reaches a company in various formats and through different channels is increasing. This makes their processing expensive. For that reason, it will be all the more crucial in future to be able to process all documents with just one system, regardless of the incoming format. This is where capture technologies come into play. They support companies in capturing all incoming documents and data centrally and in optimizing processes.</span></p>
Capture Intro-Text EN
<h3>You can benefit from Capture Technologies if ...</h3>
<p><span class="no-break">... you need to process mail arriving via various channels, in different formats and with different content, </span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... the input, sorting and classification of the incoming information is very time-consuming, </span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... your staff work from different locations and need access to documents at any time or have to approve information,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... process delays or interruptions are common in your company due to documents not being forwarded or being forwarded too slowly,</span><br /> </p>
<p><span class="no-break">... you wish to optimize and automate your processes to ensure you can concentrate on your core business once again. </span><br /> </p>
Bild EN
Download the whole dossier now
<h3>Download the whole Dossier now</h3>
<ul> <li>You can benefit from capture technologies if ...</li> <li>Benefits</li> <li>Standardized processing for all formats</li> <li>The challenge of “unstructured documents”</li> <li>Automatic document classification by means of artificial intelligence</li> <li>The right balance: low error rate vs high manual work</li> <li>Extracting relevant data and automating processes</li> <li>Use of leading technologies</li> </ul>
Download Capture EN
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Spacer EN
Abschnitt: Dossier Caputure Lead EN
Abschnitt: Intro EN
Intelligent capture technologies
Increased efficiency thanks to intelligent capture technologies. The Arcplace dossier "Capture" is available to download for free.
Box Dossier ECM project Lead EN
<h1>8 Tips to make your ECM Project a Success</h1>
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">Implementing an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution requires the development of a well thought-out plan based on such factors as the general corporate strategy, compliance requirements, existing infrastructures and applications, business processes, and financial and human resources.<br /> 8 tips on how to successfully implement ECM.</span></p>
Leerschlag Blue EN
<div class="row Box-AP-Blue"> </div>
ECM Projekt - Inhalt EN
<h3>Dossier Content:</h3>
<ol> <li>Select the project members carefully</li> <li>Identify and formulate project goals</li> <li>Detailed requirements analysis with a 360-degree view</li> <li>Choose a suitable ECM product and a qualified partner</li> <li>Good planning is half the battle</li> <li>Implementation and staff training</li> <li>Showcase the new solution</li> <li>Support through dedicated assistance</li> </ol>
<h3>Find out now about the possibilities of an ECM solution – we will be happy to advise you: <em class="fa fa-envelope"> </em><a href="mailto:sales@arcplace.ch" title="Please contact us">sales@arcplace.ch</a></h3>
Bild EN
Download the whole dossier now
<h3>We wish you a successful ECM Project!</h3>
<p>Download the whole dossier now.</p>
Download Dossier ECM EN
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Abschnitt: Dossier ECM project EN Lead
Abschnitt: Intro and Download EN
Spacer EN
Tips for your ECM Project
Implementing an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution requires the development of a well thought-out plan. Find out what you need to look out for.
Implementation of an ECM Solution
<h3>Implementation of an ECM Solution</h3>
<p>With the tips of our Enterprise Content Management experts your project will be a success</p>
<p> </p>
Guide Implementing ECM
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Box Guide: Implementing ECM
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">You have chosen a solution and found the right partner with whom you want to implement the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution in your company? Great! Now it’s time to actually start the project. What needs to be considered in the early stages of the project to ensure it’s a success right from the start? What needs to be defined? And what are the typical stumbling blocks? We asked our ECM experts these questions and compiled their most important tips together for you.</span></p>
Guide: Implementation of an ECM Solution
Haupttitel: Guide Implementing ECM
Abschnitt: Guide Implementing ECM
Abschnitt: Guide Implementing ECM
Abschnitt: Füller EN
Implementing an ECM Solution
The Arcplace experts give you some valuable tips for implementing an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution. Free download.
Evaluation of ECM Solutions
<h3>Evaluation of ECM Solutions</h3>
<p>To the right solution with the tips of our Enterprise Content Management experts</p>
<p> </p>
Guide Evaluation ECM
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Box Guide: Evaluation ECM
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">This guide will help you if you want to implement an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system as a central platform in your company or if you want to start with a sub-project, such as electronic personnel dossiers. Our ECM experts can give you some valuable tips, so that you can evaluate the different providers and make the correct preparations. So you can find the right solution.</span></p>
Guide: Evaluation of ECM solutions
Haupttitel: Guide Evaluation ECM
Abschnitt: Guide Evaluation ECM
Abschnitt: Guide ECM
Abschnitt: Füller EN
Evaluation of ECM solutions
This guide will assist you when you are thinking about implementing an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution in your company.
Implementing an AP Automation Solution
<h3>Implementing an AP Automation Solution</h3>
<p>The most important tips for a successful implementation of your project</p>
Guide: Implementing a new AP Automation Solution
<p> </p>
Guide Implementing a new AP Automation Solution
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Demo-Account anfordern EN
<h3><br /> Get a free Demo Version</h3>
<p>Simply fill in this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.</p>
Formular Demo-Version P2P EN beige
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Box Guide: Implementing Purchase-to-Pay
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">Have you decided upon a solution and suitable partner for making invoice processing at your company more efficient? Congratulations! Now it’s time to actually implement it. What needs to be considered in the early stages of the project to ensure it’s a success right from the start? What needs to be defined? And what are the typical stumbling blocks?</span></p>
Haupttitel: Guide Implementing AP Automation
Abschnitt: Guide Implementing Purchase-to-Pay
Abschnitt: Guide Implementing Purchase-to-Pay
Abschnitt: Füller EN
Implementing a new AP Automation Solution
The Arcplace experts give you some valuable tips for implementing a new AP Automation Solution. Download this guide now.
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Implementing a Digital Mailroom
<h3>Implementing a Digital Mailroom</h3>
<p>Useful tips from our experts for the early stages of your project</p>
Download Implementing a Digital Mailroom
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Guide Implementing Digital Mailroom
We will be happy to advise you personally
<h3><br /> We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you want to know more about the Digital Mailroom?<br /> Please contact us.</p>
Kontaktformular Digital Mailroom EN beige
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Box Guide: Implementing Digital Mailroom
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">Have you decided upon a solution and suitable partner for implementing a Digital Mailroom at your company? Congratulations! Now it’s time to actually implement it. What needs to be considered in the early stages of the project to ensure it’s a success right from the start? What needs to be defined? And what are the typical stumbling blocks?</span></p>
Guide: Implementing a Digital Mailroom
Haupttitel: Guide Implementation Digital Mailroom
Abschnitt: Guide Implementing Digital Mailroom
Abschnitt: Guide Implementing Digital Mailroom
Abschnitt: Füller EN
Implementing a Digital Mailroom
The Arcplace Input Management experts give you some valuable tips for the implementation of a Digital Mailroom.
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Evaluation of AP Automation Solutions
<h3>Evaluation of AP Automation Solutions</h3>
<p>To the right solution with the tips of our AP Automation experts</p>
Download Evaluation of AP Automation solutions
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Box Guide Evaluation AP Automation
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">This guide will help you when you want to implement automatic invoice processing in your company, or to remove or replace an existing solution. With the tips from Arcplace’s AP Automation experts, you can find out which issues and questions are key, so that you can find the right solution for your requirements.</span></p>
Guide: Optimizing your AP Automation Processes
Optimizing your AP Automation processes EN
Demo-Account anfordern EN
<h3><br /> Get a free Demo Version</h3>
<p>Simply fill in this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.</p>
Formular Demo-Version P2P EN beige
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Haupttitel: Guide Evaluation AP Automation
Abschnitt: Guide Evaluation AP Automation
Abschnitt: Guide Evaluation P2P
Abschnitt: Füller EN
Evaluation of an AP Automation Solution
This guide will help you when you want to implement automatic invoice processing in your company, or to remove or replace an existing solution.
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Evaluation of a Digital Mailroom
<h3>Evaluation of a Digital Mailroom</h3>
<p>With concentrated Arcplace expert knowledge to the right solution</p>
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Guide Evaluation Digital Mailroom
We will be happy to advise you personally
<h3><br /> We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you want to know more about the Digital Mailroom?<br /> Please contact us.</p>
Kontaktformular Digital Mailroom EN Beige
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Box Guide: Evaluation Digital Mailroom
<p><span class="lead-text no-break">This guide will assist you when you are thinking about implementing a Digital Mailroom in your company. Our Input Management experts can give you some valuable tips, so that you can evaluate the different providers and make the correct preparations.</span></p>
Guide: A Digital Mailroom for your Company
Haupttitel: Guide Evaluation Digital Mailroom
Abschnitt: Guide Evaluation Digital Mailroom
Abschnitt: Guide Evaluation Digital Mailroom
Abschnitt: Füller EN
Evaluation of a Digital Mailroom
This guide will assist you when you are thinking about implementing a Digital Mailroom in your company. The Arcplace experts give you some valuable tips.
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Potential Analysis for a Digital Mailroom
<h3>Potential Analysis for a Digital Mailroom</h3>
<p>Individual solution proposal for the introduction of a Digital Mailroom</p>
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portalId: "6324927",
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Gutidebook Potential analysis EN
We will be happy to advise you personally
<h3><br /> We will be happy to advise you personally</h3>
<p>Do you want to know more about the Digital Mailroom?<br /> Please contact us.</p>
Kontaktformular Digital Mailroom EN beige
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portalId: "6324927",
formId: "dea5f690-3584-465a-8eb9-5a68f4c2c442"
Box Guidebook: Potential analysis for a Digital Mailroom
<span class="lead-text no-break">Arcplace advises companies on whether the introduction of a Digital Mailroom makes sense in their individual case and gives them a detailed overview of the daily mail volumes. Thanks to the potential analysis a company can estimate which of the incoming documents are most promising for optimization through digitization and automation.</span>
Haupttitel: Guidebook: Potential analysis for a Digital Mailroom
Arcplace as consultant: Potential Analysis for a Digital Mailroom
Abschnitt: Guidebook: Potential analysis for a Digital Mailroom
Abschnitt: Guidebook: Potential analysis for a Digital Mailroom
Abschnitt: Füller EN
Potential Analysis for a Digital Mailroom
We advise you on whether a Digital Mailroom makes sense and prepares a solution proposal with a high savings potential.