
Put an end to paperwork

We will be happy to analyze your requirements and prepare you a first quote

Send your paper archive on vacation forever!

You don't want to search for your documents in dusty folders or hanging files anymore? You need the space where hundreds of stuffed boxes still stand? You want to have a better overview of all your documents and make work processes in your company more efficient? Then simply let the professionals digitize your paper archive.


Initial Scanning Services

Since 2007, Arcplace has successfully implemented over 150 scanning projects. Often highly sensitive documents have been converted into digital data. In the overview, which you can download, you can see at a glance how Arcplace digitizes your paper archive.


Your appointment for a non-binding talk with the expert

If you intend to digitize your existing paper archives, paper-based personnel dossiers, contracts, invoices, etc., please feel free to contact us for an individual consultation. Drilon Halili, Sales Development Representative, will give you tips on how to keep costs low and still get a high return for your company. You can book your appointment directly!
 +41 76 705 00 61
 +41 44 501 22 00

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Welcome to the Arcplace Scan & BPO Center

We will take you on an exciting tour of Arcplace's Scan & BPO Center and show you the steps that need to be taken to digitize your documents securely and efficiently.

The Arcplace Scan & BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Center in Glattbrugg is certified to the ISO 27001 security standard and processes documents for companies of all types located throughout Switzerland. Scanning services are offered on-site at the customer's premises or at the company's own Scan & BPO Center.

Enjoy watching the video (in German)!