The service department of Grün Stadt Zürich was established over 160 years ago with one city gardener. Today, around 550 employees, apprentices and interns take care of “the green” in the city. GSZ personnel dossiers were kept in paper form, which made it difficult to access the information and ensure efficient, uniform management. The dossiers took up a lot of space and the manual archiving required additional effort every year.
In 2019, Arcplace digitized the personnel dossiers of the administration department of the Mayor’s Office (PRD) in Zurich’s city hall. Within the context of digitization at the City of Zurich, which has the aim of end-toend electronic document management, electronic personnel dossiers are an important component. In order to be able to store the scanned dossiers in the Aconso HR system in a uniform manner, Grün Stadt Zürich opted for Arcplace’s scanning services. The preparatory work – such as inserting dividers and cover sheets or removing staples and sticky notes – was done by GSZ employees. The scanning was carried out by the Arcplace specialists on site. The approximately 70,000 pages were digitized according to defined specifications in order to ensure a smooth transfer of the generated PDF/A files, together with the corresponding CSV files, into the existing target system.