"Arcplace & myself"

Our eight questions are today directed at Micha Forster. He works as Account Manager at Arcplace since March 2023.

How does a good day at Arcplace start for you?

No matter whether I'm working at the headquarters in Zurich or at our BPOC in Glattbrugg: After a "good morning" to everyone already present, I make myself a coffee – we have several excellent varieties to choose from – and check my mails and tasks for the day ahead.

What do you like particularly about your work?

That I can use all my skills, work in a great team and pass on my fascination and enthusiasm for technology.

How do you unwind after a day at work?

I either spend time with my family (I have a daughter) or do sports (fitness centre, seasonal mountain biking or swimming). But I'm also very interested in technology, I watch a lot of YouTube tech channels (especially Retro Tech), try out new IT things and I also look after the web presence of the "parents' council" of my daughter's school as a webmaster.

Please finish the sentence: I work at Arcplace because …

... I enjoy working in an owner-managed, manageable, yet professional company.

Whom would you like to meet in person and why?

Roger Waters – the creative mind behind the legendary band Pink Floyd. An interesting, but also very special person with many rough edges. I don't share all his views and it would be all the more exciting to discuss them with him.

What drives you mad?

When deadlines overlap or coincide and (seemingly) nothing wants to move forward.

Which three things would you take with you to a deserted island?

Solar panel with battery pack and satellite internet, long-term provisions, laptop and a Swiss army knife with many functions. Oops, that's already 4 things ...

What couldn’t you do without?

I hate to admit it, but I'm missing something without internet access ;-)


Micha Forster on a hike