I call out a "Hello everyone!", ask about my colleagues over a coffee and settle in at my workplace. And off I go!
The culture of listening to understand the needs of the clients and offering them the best solution.
There's nothing better than a walk to switch off at the end of the day. Afterwards, read something before the light goes out.
... this company puts people at the centre of its values.
Arnold Schwarzenegger! I know it may sound unusual, but I admire him very much; for having grown up with his films, but also for his ambition, which is coupled with great modesty, for his humour and his commitment to the environment. And finally, he is a person who has dedicated his life to sport and health, enjoying life to the fullest.
I am sometimes not very patient with people who complain a lot or feel like victims of life. Difficulties are a chance to grow!
If it is a situation that is vital for survival:
1. a sharp knife
2. a compass
3. The Go Rin No Sho (The book of five rings)
My family!