October 28th, 2015
Document storage in vertical files has had its day. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has successfully implemented electronic student files with support from information management specialist Arcplace. This solution makes information available within seconds from any location and easier to share. It also complies with the highest requirements in terms of data protection and data security.
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts issued a public selective tender for an electronic document management system to replace their paper-based student files, which was eventually won by Arcplace AG. Following a successful pilot in the Department of Technology & Architecture, the solution is now in place in multiple departments at the University. The central component is the Kendox InfoShare system. This indexes all documents and stores them in electronic dossiers in accordance with legal requirements. An interface to the CLX.Evento school administration software allows dossiers to be created which can then be accessed via a web client. The physical documents are digitized using a special scanning station. Employees can also directly add documents from Office applications. The Kendox system records the time of archiving and ensures the integrity of the document. Together with the access log, this fulfils the requirements of legally compliant archiving. Access rights to the e-dossier may be managed individually in accordance with central Active Directory user roles.
Dossiers and individual documents can be located within seconds using the integrated search function. Department heads and other authorized persons can access the information via a web interface, no matter where they are and what time it is. Regula Schärli, Bachelor & Master Secretariat Head in the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture: "Use via the trusted MS Office environment is almost self-explanatory - after two or three hours it becomes very familiar." The digital dossiers can also be archived for the legally required period without any pressure on storage space, while paper consumption also falls significantly. The University is planning to give students insight into their dossiers in the near future via a new Student Portal.
Swiss company Arcplace AG is a specialized IT service provider in the information management and archiving industry. Arcplace's portfolio includes solutions for the scanning, management and archiving of documents as well as the protection and archiving of data. By combining the latest technologies with innovative service models like Managed Services, Cloud Services or Business Process Outsourcing, Arcplace can provide optimal solutions for companies of any size.
Since its founding in 2006, Arcplace has implemented solutions for more than 800 customers across a wide range of sectors. Arcplace offers its services via datacenters located in Switzerland.
Arcplace AG
Irene Feusi
Mühlebachstrasse 54
CH-8008 Zürich
+41 44 501 22 00